Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@mahgister Leave it be... these people are  well past the point of talking to, They have taken the vaccines themselves, and no matter  what new information comes out, they  will not change their minds unless they experience these side effects for themselves. 
winter is coming, it's best to take this time to prepare yourself and your family for the chaos that is now inevitable. 
Prepare....Stock foods, provisions, ammo, whatever else you think you might need. 
Arguing on comment boards at this point is a fool's errand. 
Take care of yourself, and your loved ones. 
The very important point this crisis reveal is this one:

Is medecine will be in the future a free human relation between a human doctor and a patient OR a controlled artificially driven prescription coming from the corporate global dictatorship?

This is the question.....

Is doctors are free in america ? Or not anymore?

 I am flabbergasted by the fact that people who want like Biden to Vaxx ANYBODY dont want to speak about the treatments that exist....

And here the Vaxx  faction and anti VAXX faction oppose one against the other....

 Where is reason?  Guess where it is?

Here is a quick question, are the recommended kinds of food, stockpiles and ammo consistent regardless of whichever camp someone happens to be in? For instance, is one camp or the other recommended to stockpile more or less than another camp?
Almost the whole left end of their international data scatterplot is driven by 19 African countries with very low vax rates, but there are a host of reasons why the rates of Covid-19 infection are exceedingly low in Africa, among them are: early border closures, 55% rural, just 3% over the age of 65, open air ventilation in homes, very low median age of 19.7 years, lower expression of ACE-2 receptor which is the gateway for lung infection, and far fewer pre-existing conditions like diabetes, hypertension etc.  Without those dubious data points clustered to the lower left, the trendline would have the opposite and expected slope.  Here is a link that explains the reason for low Covid cases in Africa.

Then why do these African countries seem to get almost every virus besides COVID-19.
@ghasley Ask Pfizer. That is your master now, you have no choice... if Master says 3 boosters, you get in line. If Master says 8, you’d better roll up them sleeves no questions asked.
Pfizer knows all.  It is omnipotent.