Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Did you read what paper said. Because doctors won’t prescribe it, people are taking the animal grade shit in wildly inaccurate dosages and getting SICK. WAKE UP!
WAKE UP yourself!

Did you know why people buy this horse ivermectin?

Because this proven treatment used all around the world is FORBIDDEN here in Canada and USA, the word ivermectin  is even censored on all medias algorithm  and it is impossible to buy this easy to make low cost product.....

Who is sleepwalking here?

By the way almost no one using this horse ivermectin encounter any problem at all....

Do you listen only your TV set ?

wake up....

By the way learn how to read a text:
what is the title of this propaganda piece from FDA ?

Is it:

" Why You Should Not Use HORSE Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19"

OR is it:

" Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19"

use your brain to understand a text implicit meaning

If the MATH1 protocol works, great, get it out there. But it involves two treatments and should be medically administered..
Wake up....

Guess how many doctors and pharmacist afraid and under control of the corporation REFUSE to sell or use this treatment?

The majority of pharmacist and doctors...

Now ask yourself this:

what remains of the freedom of treatment and care of doctors if they cannot think for themselves and could use ONLY the remdesivir, the ventilator and the mRNA vaxx like in the past 18 months ?

Wake up ....

There is no more conspiracy about corporate power and the destruction of science like many years ago....This is now a fact the evident reality for all of us to see...

The only rational ethical behaviour in a pandemy is using ALL tools not ONLY the one MANDATED  by force over the head of ALL doctors.....

If it is actually effective and it works it will not be suppressed. Eventually enough smart people will make enough noise that it can’t. I don’t have such an Orwellian outlook.
If it is actually effective and it works it will not be suppressed. Eventually enough smart people will make enough noise that it can’t. I don’t have such an Orwellian outlook.
Dont hide your ignorance by accusing me of Orwellian paranoia...

Use your brain to make a simple calculus...

If all hospitals and doctors have been free to use ALL available treatment in the US in the last 18 months, how many people could have been saved? Instead of intubing them and using remdesivir waiting for their deaths following Dr. Fauci orders......

I will help you it is simple...

Compare the number of death in US with all others countries especially UTTAR Pradesh state for example in India with his 200 millions people...

Wake up.....

In audio my motto is:

Dont upgrade BEFORE embedding your system rightfully....

In this crisis my motto is:

Dont VAXX ALL people before  and instead  of treating them also...

 The same blindness in audio and in life it seems...

Ivermectin is being used in over 50 countries to treat Covid.
The FDA is pushing vaccines and Remdesivir.... Remdesivir was found in 2016 Ebola trials to have about a 30% Renal Failure induced fatality rate, over the other 3 drugs being used. The Analysis was so alarming that they stopped using it in the middle of the trials.....LET THAT SINK IT FOR A MINUTE.
Remdesivir has been standard protocol for covid hospitalized patients since the beginning of the pandemic, and it is not FDA approved. It is being used under EUA.
The worst outcome for covid hospitalization in the entire world is in.........yes the good ol US of A. (Not Africa, Not Afhanistan) but the United States of America.

Ivermectin won a nobel prize in 2015, and is one of the safest drugs to have been used for humans with an extremely low toxicity.

Yeah, up is seriously down.