Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

I know, you have to be committed to the search. Its worth it though isn't it? When not fretting over which news outlet is most accurate, I find the post consumption joy received from a properly executed taco to exceed almost anything.
@ghasley The searching is quick and easy and Miles is an excellent accompaniment but yes a properly executed taco, hard or soft, would be ideal right now!
@jond I agree with you, it would be ideal.

 One of the big issues facing mankind right now is determining the proper fat content of the ground beef to achieve a perfect outcome!

Some would argue 70/30 is best while others claim that 90/10 cooked quickly is best.
@arch2 @jond

Since a few audiophiles might not be mistaken with someone suffering from Anorexia (a terrible condition) and a fair number utilize the services of a baracalounger covered in various fabric types, should we consider potential fabric staining from taco drippings on the barcalounger when deliberating ground beef fat content for the perfect taco?

Everything matters right?