Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Now I will make my most controversial statement. (my opinion) If we didn't wear masks, didn't take vaccinations, didn't social distance or didn't shutdown our businesses, this virus would have died out - just like any cold or flu season. That's  about all it was. The "Delta variant is just vaccine injuries and deaths. How do you like that?
The second they came out with the 8% Death rate, I knew ....
This was total crap.....
If you don’t even know how many people are infected, don’t even have a test for this "virus", how can you know the death rate? 2  weeks to slow the spread .....yeah

Planned shut down of the economy is very correct.
@yuviarora @isochronism 

What are your second favorite topics? Just curious what else might interest you?

@jond Of the different proteins one can utilize for a taco, which would be best for the environment?