Looking for a new DAC streamer/server combo

I have a Sony HAP-Z1 that gets good reviews but limited to the internal DAC. There’s a lot of variation in sound quality that could be a product of the red book CD’s loaded into it. I’m curious how my CD’s would sound streamed through another DAC. I also have a McIntosh MB 50 streamer that I feel is very underrated. I like how the DAC sounds when streaming. The MB 50 also has an option to use an external DAC. 
My CD’s are burned to an external hard drive that I believe can be connected to an independent DAC. 
Any DAC’s you all think mate well with CD’s?
Any server suggestions to use with an external DAC?

I’m also open to moving on from the MB 50 for the right all in one solution. 
Budget: + - $4k

Speakers are B&W 803 D2’s which I feel are pretty revealing and aren’t too kind to poor quality recordings or mastering. 
Thanks for the feedback! 
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Most any modern DAC < $200 is fine. Only you know what kind of sound you enjoy.
Put your files on a SSD and plug it in. If the network player does not accept USB, avoid it.
Choice is dependant on what other features and form factor you desire.
You have reached a crossroads. Do you enjoy listening to music or best recording quality?
I like both but can't suggest a clear path except for maybe lose the B & Ws.
Streamers and DACs are like any other audio component, the sound quality is highly varied. Most folks that want high quality output will choose separate streamers and DACs. In your price range a Schiit Yggdrasil DAC would fit well. I have evaluated lots of streamers… they are as important as DACs and can deliver higher quality sound than red book CDs… unless the the CD player is much higher quality than the streamer / DAC you are comparing it to. I recommend looking at the highest quality streamer you can get… I really like Aurender… think used to get the price down. My flagship Aurender is the most expensive component in front of my amp and well worth it.
Innuos Zen Mk3 streamer/server with a Musician Pegasus or Denafrips Pontus would likely be a nice upgrade.  Just one idea, and best of luck. 
“can't suggest a clear path except for maybe lose the B & Ws” That’s a possibility but that’s another thread. Plus, not sure I can better them for what I’ll get for them.  They do sound good with well recorded music such as jazz but with the rock genre they are finicky. 
On to the DAC, I’ve seen that brand suggested here when doing some research. I hadn’t heard of it till now. 
@ghdprentice is it the internal clock or something else that makes the difference in streamers? I always thought the DAC was the more important component. If I had to pick one significant upgrade would it be the DAC or the steamer?