Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

If you saw the things that are happening in Australia, you would not be laughing

Just the sensational things that are being reported in a slanted manner on the internet or the full picture? Check out the stats over time compared to the US. The logarithmic growth charts are most edifying. Pull some other countries up and you will see it’s real opposite ends of the spectrum stuff.

Three states (Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania) out of six and one Territory currently with total eradication in the community. I know where I would rather be living.

with respect to avsjerry above this post was deleted, edited and reposted during his posting
The Leftist mind is such an enigma...
After protesting Police violence for an entire year, burning cities down for an entire summer.....these same leftists want to move to a country that is brutalizing people to a degree not seen since the South African apartheid regime.
Violence and brutality that would put some communist countries to shame.
yiviaror you are totally insane dude you have paranoid fantasies I would suggest taking a break from conspiracy sites.
Post removed 
SIL got it and was down for 3 weeks. Taste and smell gone for 6 weeks. Fine now. Guy in our town died. I don't know anyone who's had a cold or flu since 4/20. Masking up works.