Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Fifteen pages and still going. Do you anti vaxxers understand you're only preaching to the choir, and the choir gets smaller by the day? The machine buys and sells you guys just like everyone else, traitors to your cause end up getting vaccine through enticements and coercion. Others come over to the 'dark side' as reality finally sinks in, loved ones dying from Covid get their attention.
Your fight isn't even really about rights, you're not losing your rights, simply your privilege. No one is being sent to jail, prison or denied their right to speak.
I presume you guys all consume just as we, the enemy do, which means your ingesting all manner of chemicals you likely haven't done a bit of research on. Your bodies were contaminated many many years ago.
As for government and corporate intentions to control the masses, nothing new here. Many of the vaccinated are well aware of the ever present need/drive in humans, to accumulate power. Humans have innate need to have others think like them, power allows this. We are not stooges of some unknown machine, inculcated to accept new norms that bring us further under control of that machine.
You stick your stake of freedom in the ground at this particular juncture, hoping to incite revolution in the masses. Based on the ease of existing power structures to shatter your resistance, your movement seems a mile wide, an inch deep. You do incite a counter revolution that increasingly celebrates your deaths. Herman Cain awards and much worse, desire for culling of heard, mass depopulation.

I admit I do feel a sense of revolution in the air, democracy in the balance. But then, democracy has been virtually non existent for the entire history of humankind. Not a natural state of humans, they'd rather win than compromise. The sad thing is so many humans always willing to bet their side will win. Zero sum games innate part of human condition.
This is a mass genocide underway as this world has never seen! Some need to wake up!!
Well no sns you are wrong. If you were right then you wouldn't have to resort to name-calling and deception.    

Certain vaccines are being imposed even on people with naturally acquired immunity. It would be one thing if this were being done as a matter of law. Laws are passed in Congress by our duly elected representatives. No legislature anywhere has enacted such laws. This then is tyranny, and we have every reason to oppose tyranny. Indeed, under the Constitution it is our duty to oppose it. To twist and distort this informed and principled view and insult us by calling us "anti vaxxers" is childish at best.  

It is interesting you admit that you "feel a sense of revolution in the air, democracy in the balance." Here in Seattle we had a good chunk of the city, 5500 people including a whole police precinct building, taken over and ruled by a machine-gun toting warlord who claimed sovereignty over this new nation of CHAZZ. Or CHOP. But as comical as it sounds and looks this actually happened. They really did take over a whole bunch of city blocks. For months.  

And not only Seattle. Portland. Whole bunch of places. This was a year ago. In the year since then all kinds of small privately owned businesses have been shut down, while big box retailers and Amazon are fine. Just like it was fine for all the BLM protesters to get together and riot, but if you go to a church, bar or gun store you are a super-spreader. Almost like there is a coordinated effort to replace individualism with the hive mind.  

So I will take the glass half full view and hope you are man enough and independent thinker enough to stop with the name-calling and think a few things through. Less narrative, more analysis. Please.
There is no tyranny when only privilege lost. You have choice to not wear mask and not get vaccinated.
And on the other side, gun toting, threatening warlords taking over Michigan capital building, and how about Jan6
Yep, the revolution is here, two different realities, nay universes. Divide and conquer is the problem. I'm willing to settle on divide only part of equation.