Mcintosh 462 stereo amp, good choice for b&w? Others

Is mcintosh 462 stereo amp a good choice to power 802 d3?  Seems it is, any other, or better options?
Seems there are as many Mac lovers as there are haters. You will love the 462.
I will also add I have B&W 802d3’s with dual Jl Audio F 113 subs.  To me, with the subs,  the music is balanced, full, clear, and lively.  I really feel like I am sitting in front of the artist.

Why does it matter if he is considering McIntosh even though many do not like it?   He is buying for himself, not for you or any others. What is so hard to understand?  I have Mac and care less what others think about it.  
I also have Mac and don't care what others think about it. I was being a little cheeky to emergingsoul because he started that thread about "Why do people hate McIntosh", and I found that annoying, because it's been covered so many times, and it always invites the same stupid uninformed comments each time, so it seemed like trolling to me.
I had no idea that he was actually considering the purchase of a Mac.