Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
It seems the benefit and the rationality of early treatment dont escape the mind of everyone...

Which one stand against criminal corporate  censorship of early treatment ?
NIH/CDC stand for Dr.Fauci personal kingdom with the greatest amount of money funding for research in the world probably, kingdom with revolving doors between corporation and government jobs...

"UP" stand for UTTAR PRADESH in India

IVM stand for ivermectin
USA stand for united states of america if we dont recognize it at the sight of these results
There's a difference between being anti-vax and being anti-only 10 months in development for something that may take up to 10 years-vax. 
Not to mention some people still want to abide by that thing that used to be the law of the land called a Constitution. 
By the way i dont need to convince anybody about anything...

Any working brain speak for itself...

But at a times were the most irrational untruth are claimed , like unvaccinated kills, at a times where people loose their jobs if they dont submit their body to an irrational campaign, something must be said...

I dont want to be a passive spectatator of this criminal censorship which kill millions now...
There is no tyranny when only privilege lost.
So now you are saying it is a "privilege" to buy groceries? Attend a movie? Travel? Seriously? You are that far gone?

Here in Washington State they are hiring prison guards to force quarantine people in Centralia. Is it now a "privilege" to live in my own home???!   

I asked that you stop the name calling and narrative and start analyzing. Instead you double down. Shame.