Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Soon they’ll be after ones bank account 
They already are. Please do try and keep up. The so-called digital money will enable government control over your every dollar down to the penny. With digital money they can control where you are able to spend it, which means IF you are able to spend it, and they can inflate it away if you don't spend it. With digital money it won't matter if you have a million dollars, if they don't like you they can simply turn your money off and it will be as if you have no money at all because no one will be able to take it.   

My bet is most people reading this think this is some science-fiction conspiracy theory. It is not.    

The bank account I was referring to IS what you currently have. Not digital.

Having to answer the LAW, “oh where oh where has this money come from Sir…..” and the word Sir I use in a polite tone…..Maybe a curse word for some law would be more appropriate.

Well, law! I’m good at saving money. Down to my last penny!

40% of wild deer have coronavirus antibodies: study

Everyone has already been exposed to this virus 2 years into the pandemic. The vaccine passports are about control, and are the beginning of a Chinese Social Credit system.
It is not about someone’s grandma.
And yes, if you speak out against the governments or corporations, they can just shut your bank account off...They have already done this with quite a many people on the right in America.
Refuse vaccines.....No money in your account and no account. 
The bank account I was referring to IS what you currently have. Not digital.

When the money changes the money changes, including in your account. Please do try and keep up. Seriously.