Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
40% of wild deer have coronavirus antibodies: study

Everyone has already been exposed to this virus 2 years into the pandemic. The vaccine passports are about control, and are the beginning of a Chinese Social Credit system.
It is not about someone’s grandma.
And yes, if you speak out against the governments or corporations, they can just shut your bank account off...They have already done this with quite a many people on the right in America.
Refuse vaccines.....No money in your account and no account. 
The bank account I was referring to IS what you currently have. Not digital.

When the money changes the money changes, including in your account. Please do try and keep up. Seriously.
If one grocery store, theater, whatever retail establishment  has masking policy, go to another where they don't. And so on and so on, blah, blah, blah. Or you can purchase online! The authorities are not stopping anyone from providing themselves with life sustaining necessities. You're inability to conduct commerce with any particular establishment on your terms is simply not unlawful. Or would you then have the rights of these parties infringed so can practice your self judged preeminent rights.

Many private establishments have also welcomed these gvt. issued mandates where issued. It brought relief from having to enforce and defend their own mandates. Do you not believe people and other private entities who disagree with you have the right of equal protection? People who refuse to wear masks and get vaccinated are not a class of people, discrimination will be difficult to prove on class basis.

Whose rights are protected and whose are infringed will be a battle to the end of time. Mask and vaccine mandates, until such time the courts decide they actually infringe upon your rights are not presently illegal. You will first have to prove standing, which means proving an actual harm  was inflicted on you. You will have to prove masks and present covid vaccines are harmful, as well as lacking benefit. Until such  a case is presented to the supreme court and opinion issued that states it is infringement of rights, it is simply not an infringement of rights, rather its only an infringement of privilege. And this argument would likely have to start anew with each new vaccine produced if supreme court issued a narrow opinion.