Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I dont wish ill will toward anyone jnless they hate vacuum tubes, thats a bridge too far. ;-)
If you like tubes take a look at Berning Zotl amplifier...It is the only upgrade i dare to wish for my Sansui...

I cannot afford it for now and perhaps forever but they are not so much costly anyway.... This Berning look like a genius.... A completely new tube technology...It is not often that someone rethink tube ....

I never listen to it, i only dream after reading all reviews and articles...

I dont need upgrade but sometimes something tempt me more than tacos and jalapenos....

Longevity tubes, no heat, and power...With my past  tube amplifier i hated the short life of tubes, and the heat , no more with Berning...

The S.S. Sansui AU 7700 i own has already a tubelike marvellous organic sound....The Berning tube ZOTL will be more Solid State sound.... A paradox.... 😁😊😎
Sorry! I truly meant to include you in the other two but I forgot because I was cooking. Honestly. Lol.
You, along with the other two, are on the same page as I am. 

Maybe you can be patient and a Linear Tube Audio LTA amplifier might show up on the preowned market at a great price. Its my understanding LTA, which utilizes Berning designed circuits, provides a large helping of the Berning magic.
Maybe you can be patient and a Linear Tube Audio LTA amplifier might show up on the preowned market at a great price. Its my understanding LTA, which utilizes Berning designed circuits, provides a large helping of the Berning magic.
You are right....

The problem is less money i guess but the way i have recreated my audio system embeddings which is so great that i am in fear to buy anything new and thinking after that " so little for so much money"...I am already in heaven with no after tought about sound...Not perfect at all but so good!...

Acoustic controls is really more powerful than any upgrade of dac or amplifier and sometimes even of some speakers upgrade....

The reason is simple there is LESS difference between relatively good well chosen  dacs and amplifiers than the comparative difference between a non treated and acoustically uncontrolled room and a treated and controlled room, nevermind the gear in it, if this gear is already good and well chosen for sure...

This is my surprizing experience after my feverish 2 years experiments in listening...