Coda continuum 8

Is it still considered a good amplifier? The old reviews are good.
It’s an excellent amplifier. I have moved on to the #16 though because I could.
I did a shootout with a modded LSA Voyager 350 GAN | CODA #8 | KRELL K-300i. They all had attributes that could make someone go for any of them depending on preferences.

The Voyager was detailed, a bit warm, and not as powerful as the other 2, though likely more than enough grunt for most people.

The CODA #8 was a bit less detailed, a bit more powerful and a bit warmer than the Voyager.

The KRELL was much smoother than the other 2 and with the most power. I do not think it lacks for details either. A great unit.

I went and demoed the CODA #16 this week and it was much cleaner sounding than the CODA #8. It also seemed more detailed but also very smooth like the KRELL K-300i. The KRELL has the first 90 watts in Class A and the Coda #16 has the first 100 watts. So maybe that was what made each amp sound so smooth. I will be trading in my #8 for a #16 whenever I get some cash. 

I sold the Voyager and kept the CODA #8 and KRELL.

BTW - I am playing my CODA #8 with the Benchmark LA4 preamp. I also have a CODA 07x preamp. The 07x is warmer sounding and pairs great with the #8,  however, so does the LA4. Benchmark and CODA pair so well together, in any combination. I may sell my CODA 07x once I get it back from CODA. My unit was messed up and if I get a brand new unit it may go up for sale while I keep the LA4.

Nice shootout. im curious about the Coda 07x. I’m weighting my options and considering the 07x and LTA MicroZOTL preamp. The LTA is excellent and I’ve heard the same about the 07x. It would be nice to run all balanced interconnects.

I absolutely love the Coda #16. I made a mistake when I first got it and plugged it into my P15 Regen. It didn’t sound great, strangling dynamics. I plugged it into the wall and it came to life.