I did a shootout with a modded LSA Voyager 350 GAN | CODA #8 | KRELL K-300i. They all had attributes that could make someone go for any of them depending on preferences.
The Voyager was detailed, a bit warm, and not as powerful as the other 2, though likely more than enough grunt for most people.
The CODA #8 was a bit less detailed, a bit more powerful and a bit warmer than the Voyager.
The KRELL was much smoother than the other 2 and with the most power. I do not think it lacks for details either. A great unit.
I went and demoed the CODA #16 this week and it was much cleaner sounding than the CODA #8. It also seemed more detailed but also very smooth like the KRELL K-300i. The KRELL has the first 90 watts in Class A and the Coda #16 has the first 100 watts. So maybe that was what made each amp sound so smooth. I will be trading in my #8 for a #16 whenever I get some cash.
I sold the Voyager and kept the CODA #8 and KRELL.
BTW - I am playing my CODA #8 with the Benchmark LA4 preamp. I also have a CODA 07x preamp. The 07x is warmer sounding and pairs great with the #8, however, so does the LA4. Benchmark and CODA pair so well together, in any combination. I may sell my CODA 07x once I get it back from CODA. My unit was messed up and if I get a brand new unit it may go up for sale while I keep the LA4.