Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Do you know what's funny? 6 months ago when I was making comments about this very topic, I was attacked left and right as I said earlier. It seems like all of those people who are attacking me before are silent now. Silent six months later because they are realizing that this is all just a means to have more power and government involvement in your life.

I'm not going to name names but I haven't seen those that had such vitriol against me come out lately. Maybe it's because even they are waking up? 
I’m so sick of leftists crying out of one side of their mouths
Sorry but it is not a "leftist" conspiracy...You are deluded if you think so....Macron in France is not a leftist for example...America is only a little part of the world....Sorry....

You act like those who use the epithet "anti vaxxer" easily....

I dont want to be associated with gangs politic here left or right...

Biden or Trump are clowns from the same cloth moved or controlled by corporate greed in a way or in another...

Left or right are for historian and children in school... The problem facing humanity cannot be solved by childish opposition especially these kind of politic...

i will stick with reason....

I apologize to being rude here but i must speak my mind...

You are a good man and i sincerely dont want to hurt you.... Please try to understand me here....

I hate accusations, be it by leftist or rightwinger... It is pure stupidity coming from unconscious programmation of the mind....

I dont play that game...
You  would have to be blind to not see  what is happening all around the world, some  will stay stubborn to the very end, the cognitive dissonance is sadly that deep. 
But yeah,  we all feel that something is very  wrong  with this "pandemic" even if most can't explain  why. 
The media is going to ratchet up the fear even more, they are still in the advertising part of the vaccine mandate......the scapegoat part of it is coming next. 
And the scared herd  will be used as a bludgeon against the ones that are still resisting. 
Divide and Conquer 101

The only question I have is, if they will be able to blame the failure of the vaccines on the ones that didn't take it? They are trying to sell that story, it's gonna be a hard push. 
But then again, their audience is extremely gullible if nothing else. 


The problem facing humanity cannot be solved by childish opposition especially these kind of politic...

Mahgister, but humanity CAN be saved if we all just sit down and have a taco together and debate the merits of tubes vs solid state, copper vs silver, horns vs dynamic and tweaks vs no tweaks! Maybe just a taco, no one can resist the fellowship of a taco!
And I agree, this  whole thing started under Trump. They are 2 sides of the same coin...
No politician is coming to save us, both sides are controlled opposition. 

However, ALL the public support for these mandates and restrictions is coming from the Corporate Liberal side of the spectrum.