Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

The problem facing humanity cannot be solved by childish opposition especially these kind of politic...

Mahgister, but humanity CAN be saved if we all just sit down and have a taco together and debate the merits of tubes vs solid state, copper vs silver, horns vs dynamic and tweaks vs no tweaks! Maybe just a taco, no one can resist the fellowship of a taco!
And I agree, this  whole thing started under Trump. They are 2 sides of the same coin...
No politician is coming to save us, both sides are controlled opposition. 

However, ALL the public support for these mandates and restrictions is coming from the Corporate Liberal side of the spectrum. 

I have put so much effort in equipment, cables, a/c, software, on and on but I gotta tell you the room treatment devices have really made a substantial difference. Corner traps have made a huge difference in my room that has never really been able to handle deep bass. It’s astonishing how deep and tight bass will go now. It floored me. I’ve got a number of different speakers and of the ones I’ve tried the traps have made a substantial difference. Don’t underestimate the sound improvements these devices can bring to your system.

Im still craving tacos after all that talk last night.
Joining late.  RNA is not dna and can’t become dna.  As all fragment of rna in muscle for a few hours can’t change your genome.  Only provoke an immune response. If you choose not to be immunized, so be it, but please don’t misinform. I’ll try to make an analogy.  You have a 1000 wpc solid state amp.  You add one rectifier tube that isn’t needed.  Is it a tube amp?
The only question I have is, if they will be able to blame the failure of the vaccines on the ones that didn't take it? They are trying to sell that story, it's gonna be a hard push.
But then again, their audience is extremely gullible if nothing else.
I am afraid you are right...

«Stupidity or the love of blinders  is an acquired  habit not an innate quality or taste» -Anonymus Smith 

«Freedom dont sell well, blinders did»-Groucho Marx 🤓