Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
No. It is a valid hypothesis. My guess is that your instinct to survive would override political motivation to stir up trouble where none exists.

Instinct to survive?

No need to speak about what is at play here anymore...

 Sorry your hypothesis make no sense....

And your reasoning about the decision to be vaxx or not to be vaxx, being only a politically motivated wise or  unwise decision compared to the survival instinct is totally preposterous...

The decision to be vaxx or not is a complex  risk calculus decision motivated and illuminated by ALL nemerous factors at play...

It is mostly and mainly a political decision only for dunces....

 Then opposing political decision to instinct here  is simplistic .....
yuviarora your friend didn't get fired his employer gave him a choice he could have gotten vaccinated and kept his job. We all have to do things we don't want to at times to take care of ourselves and families. You all need to grow up already.
Too stupid ... I will stay mute...

No i will not stay mute.... I will tell you a story:

" Dear mr. Rostoff your friend did not get fired of his job or put in a concentration camp, his employer and our comrade Stalin  give him a choice, he could have accepted what is recommended and keep his job"
It’s so funny...The side coming down with the political edicts, forcing compliance, is then complaining about the refusal of said edicts as being political.

As far as Ebola goes, again...You can do whatever you want, and I will do whatever I decide is best for myself in that hypothetical situation, after I look at all the information as I have done in this case. I would be against forced vaccines even if the Death rate was 50000%.