Need a new FM Receiver that works very well

We have a 40 year old Carver that the channels have gone bad and have been using as a receiver. Now it appears the stereo decoder is going bad. Suggestions on a basic FM tuner high end but not too high end. I know FM is waning but we have really good setup.
Location, location, location. Depending on where you are receiving your desired signals will determine what matters most, such as sensitivity or selectivity.

Understanding Updated FM Tuner Specs, March 1973 Popular Electronics - RF Cafe

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"  Suggestions on a basic FM tuner high end but not too high end."

- Not according to the OP, he wants a tuner.
I agree Magnum Dynalab makes some excellent FM tuners available new or on the used market. I own a Magnum Dynalab MD-106T analog FM tuner that I purchased several years ago and am very happy with it.
Any thoughts on the NAD C 427. Parasound is suggesting this unit. The Magnum Dynalab unit appears to be overkill.  Could someone weigh in on the NAD at about $500 not their higher end unit.