Need a new FM Receiver that works very well

We have a 40 year old Carver that the channels have gone bad and have been using as a receiver. Now it appears the stereo decoder is going bad. Suggestions on a basic FM tuner high end but not too high end. I know FM is waning but we have really good setup.
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"  Suggestions on a basic FM tuner high end but not too high end."

- Not according to the OP, he wants a tuner.
I agree Magnum Dynalab makes some excellent FM tuners available new or on the used market. I own a Magnum Dynalab MD-106T analog FM tuner that I purchased several years ago and am very happy with it.
Any thoughts on the NAD C 427. Parasound is suggesting this unit. The Magnum Dynalab unit appears to be overkill.  Could someone weigh in on the NAD at about $500 not their higher end unit.
I don’t think manufacturers are investigating much into their FM tuners anymore. The ones commonly offered might just be there to fill out the line.
One can get a top quality vintage piece and have it refreshed for that kind of money.