Matching solid state amps with tube based pre amps

I was like to get people responses on the mixing a solid state power amps with a tubes base preamp or match only with
solid state preamp.
I have 2 systems using a valve pre in front of SS power amps. 
Supertek DHT Cabernet pre with Accuphase A70 power amp driving Harbeth 40.2 speakers. AR LS16 pre with Bryston 4bsst driving Dynaudio C2 Platniums.

I like the color that a valve pre amps brings to the system whilst using a relatively powerful and neutral power amp to handle the speakers. I experimented with a Light Speed passive pre but preferred the sound of the Pre amps.  I also experimented with the Supratek and AR into my MacIntosh MC75's but found too much color.

Tube preamp and ss power amp is a good thinking and reduces greatly the use of too many tubes. But that's all. 
Sound quality matters the most 

I run a McIntosh C2600 tube preamp with McIntosh MC611 SS mono blocks. They work very well together. 
I've used a tube preamp with a couple different amps -- an older Adcom 535L and a new Van Alstine SET 400. Both give good grip on the bass and quick timing, but the midrange and upper range were not smooth enough for my ears. I'm running KT 150 tubes on my monos now and it's all working well. 

However, if a Pass or Ayre or Hegel amp come my way, I'm curious to hear those mids and treble ranges smooth out considerably.
I'm running the schiit freya + into krell mono blocks to wilson sophias 
very happy with the sound