Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I see the same four or five posters pontificating ad nauseam, on endless repeat.
You are right and i recognize your accusation of "pontification"...I sometimes pontificate.... 😁😊 A bad habit coming from my years with students...I am not without defect...I am glad to say you are right when you are....It is also part of my character...Take note of it....

You offer up information culled from sources self determined as delivering truth. You never question your sources, any and all opposing sources subjected to character assassination.
But here you describe yourself not me...

The one who question his source read not only mainstream information like most people who take the vaxx obligation like it was a natural thing to do, the one who question consensus read ALL possible opinions even Robert Kennedy or Geert vanden Bossche and not only Fauci...

The one who insult in his first move those who think differently are the one who laugh with " conspiracy theorist" labelling accusation, not me....

Try to debunk Geert vanden Bossche confront his knowledge with what Fauci say...It is called thinking...


The long term affects of Covid are quite well known. The case of Robert Malone is a curious one here's a good writeup of him in The Atlantic:

And there seems to be a lot of confusion over what Luc Montagnier really said he did not say as is attributed to him:
"Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine," the post says. "In the shocking interview, the world’s top virologist stated blankly: ‘There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the bodies.’ The scientific genius backed claims of other pre-eminent virologists after studying the constituents of the vaccine. ‘They will all die from antibody dependent enhancement. Nothing more can be said.’"

This has been proven false, he did not say it.  What he seems to actually be saying is that mass vaccination is bad because vaccines cause virus's to mutate, that is as far as I know true to a certain extent it's not the same thing as him saying the vaccines don't work.

However his statement that deaths have followed vaccinations in every country is false.
Also I live in a liberal bubble and don't do social media so to those saying it's a waste of time to argue with these guys I find it a bit fascinating I never encounter anti-vaxxers anywhere.
Peanut Gallery: Noun. A group of people who criticize someone, often by focusing on insignificant details.
This has been proven false, he did not say it. What he seems to actually be saying is that mass vaccination is bad because vaccines cause virus’s to mutate, that is as far as I know true to a certain extent it’s not the same thing as him saying the vaccines don’t work.

However his statement that deaths have followed vaccinations in every country is false.
Good post...Malone say the same thing than Montagnier and Vanden Bossche about virus evolutive mutating pressure...Saying that they are anticaxx is a lie by the facts chekers working for google...

By the way for those who loose their job, google need fact chekers...It is very simple to do apply... 😁😊

But the Atlantic piece article distort completely what Malone is and say...Typical desinformation...

You are perfectly right for the rest......