Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I'll add some facts or possible non facts about vaccination. As my wife and I were discussing life this morning, she brought to my attention the vertigo symptoms that put her a$$ in the ER three weeks ago, I DROVE HER. She spent two days undergoing tests.....She's fine, but still feeling odd but lightly reacurring symptoms.

She looks at me, Gene, I do ponder "has the vaccine contributed to my vertigo symptoms." I look back at her and SAY, we discuss further.

Sure, she had a choice on the vaccination but that woman has worked so diligently teaching the middle school young, it was a no brainer. Who am I to tell her NO.

But has she put her HEALTH in jeopardy in the process???

We all make choices, right and wrong

You see, I try and speak from experience. 

Thanks for this moving post...By the way your situatiion with your wife is the same as mine....You thinking about it is the same as mine...

The only difference is the 2 vaxx did not induce visible secondary effects for my wife...For now....

My best to you and your wife....
And my point above was that those who chart an intentional course to become martyrs, sincere or stubborn-it doesnt matter which, typically pay a high price.
Your perspective are very interesting indeed....

I eat tacos with you ....They are delicious indeed...

And suddenly it seems clear to me that you are right about stubborn or martyr decision makers who pay the price...

But ostrichs in the sand and sheeps walking in pack are other part also of this story...

Sometimes others make decision for us....And we let them doing it mute....

The opposite of martyrdom is not becoming a sheep or an ostrich. Somewhere in between are the ones left who write history.