Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@jond having a conversation with you is extremely hard, because you jump from one thing to another, not get to the truth of the situation, but to change the subject and win an argument.
You are not a good faith actor.
You are debating, trying to win, not trying to find out what’s true.

That right there is the problem with most people today, they have been educated and brain washed into this very mindset. Cognitive Dissonance at it’s best.
yuviarora the problem is actually this, and you're right we are not having a conversation, we cannot have a conversation because you reside in an alternate reality.
Well said yuviarora ....

No one here answer on any facts or arguments  save to destroy the messenger like in the McCullough case or the Malone case or replace a question with a dogma from Fauci...

They dont read books...

I will suggest a short one but we need a working brain:

And dont consult wikipedia or Quack  Bill Gates about this book , He does not like her at all...... Consult Luc Montagnier a Nobel virologist to know if this woman  is a true scientist....he preface one of his book...

or try Vandana Shiva a physicist who work all his life in the fields...It is more easy to read....For beginners... 😁😊
@jond you are right, I am trying to have a conversation, trying to explain my point of view...
All the while, you think I am a sub-human piece of crap, delusional, unintelligent, and someone who should be forced to do the correct thing, all his human rights be damned.

we have established this very well at this point, I think.
Lets back up here a second I think you are a sadly deluded individual but I think no person is sub-human. You are obviously intelligent but you're so far down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories your intelligence is being applied to useless and potentially harmful endeavors.