Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@femoore12    whaaat? bots? Lmao
talk about conspiracy theories. Yeah, stick those fingers in your ears...LALALALALA!
Because anyone that disagrees  with you is a Russian Bot, because those Russian's don't have anything better to do than post on an audio forum to change your mind about a vaccine you have already taken. 
@jond  having a conversation with you is extremely hard, because you jump from one thing to another, to not get to the truth of the situation, but to change the subject and win an argument.
You are not a good faith actor.
You are debating, trying to win, not trying to find out what's true.

An astute observation. He is not the only one. It ALWAYS goes this way with people in the grips of this particular ideology.

I do not say that they know this is the case. The vast majority of them have no clue. I mean that not as an insult but literally, they have no clue. Yet once you learn the ideology it is easy to see they are in its grip.  

The ideology is Marxism. It takes as axiomatic that there is no such thing as Truth, reason, rational thought or discourse. Everything in their world view is power and oppression.

Original Marxism taught that the oppression was rich capitalists over the poor proletariat. When after WWII and the USSR The Gulag Archipelago was published and the world forced to acknowledge Marxism as not only evil but a total failure. Individualism, the sanctity of the individual, individual rights to life and liberty and all the rest that leads to free commerce and higher standards of living for all, these ideas creamed Marxism, relegating it to the dustbin of history.

But now it is back, same evil they never learn any new tricks except now instead of rich vs poor it is racist white guys vs everyone else. All the oppression now is by race, gender, sexual orientation, on and on. The workers actually made out great under capitalism so they got a whole new list of em this time. Instead of capitalist the new slur is racist.

But really the key to understanding the whole thing is to understand they really do not believe in Truth. They only believe in power. People like us, we believe in Truth. We want to understand what is really going on. So we follow proven modes of conversation- rational argumentation, acknowledging valid points regardless of who makes them.

They don't care for any of this. They live in a world of nihilistic relativity, so however they win, they win. If they have to change the subject every time you bring up some incontestable point, no problem. If they run out of lies and resort to name-calling, well to them it isn't even a last resort it is actually the core of their creed.

It would be nice if they would at least try and understand this is what motivates them. But that is pretty hard to do once you buy into understanding being worthless and power being everything. Which, just look at them. They have. 

Therefore, anyone acts this way my approach is disengage. Don't waste your time. There are some people yet who are still within reach. Not this one. Not any of them who act this way. By their acts judge them, or something like that. Good advice.
I see the Bots are still posting nonsense. Has the topic shifted to “quantum” vaccines yet?

Your post is not a model to go on with ...

If you insult someone with  the epiteth "bot" try to give arguments...

 Otherwise  any neutral reader will qualify you with the epiteth "idiot"

 I prefer to be a bot...