Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
When I searched complotist, a new word for me this is what I found:
very comical...

How easy is it to think  nowadays...

 In my time it was necessary to read to have an idea... 

The list of censored books is already here...

Post removed 
@millercarbon it’s a real issue... These people think changing your mind about things is a weakness... like you are somehow lesser if you let new information change your worldview or your way of thinking. Admitting that you didn’t have the correct ideas means failure.

I had a Gender Studies professor in college, after she gave her lecture she opened up the class to questions. So...I asked her a question, and she went on for another ten minutes, giving an explanation. Then I asked her another, just a very simple question... she started answering, and in the middle of it, the whole class started laughing.
It took the professor 30 seconds to realize that she had completely contradicted herself, contradicted the last 10 minutes, her entire lecture, and the worst thing she was the last person in the room to have realized this.
She started screaming..... I mean screaming at the top of her lungs, hysterically, and kicked me out of class. Instead of investigating her own ideas, trying to get to the root of the contradiction, she lashed out and protected them like they were sacrosanct.
Above reproach
To me, and people like us, that is an opportunity we get out of bed for, I want to be proven wrong, and if I am wrong I will very gladly scrap my worldview.
I don’t want to win for the sake of winning, I want the Truth.

But as they say... In war, the first casualty is the Truth.

And they are at war.... and absolutely no quarters are to be given.

@fenmoore12 apologies for not responding I am in fact a bot, a glambot obviously for my very fine style. ;)
The level of narcissism
I accept the criticism of narcissism... Fine... Like the accusation of pontification...

I am lucid about myself....

But wait, you are here right next to me attacking my character, but where are your arguments against my main point?

The fact of being a "narcissist pontificator" has nothing to do with the value of my arguments?

Save for an idiot...

then answer to my arguments...