Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

McCullough explained how these gene transfer technologies work. He also voiced his concern that, although “normally a messenger RNA is used once and disposed of,” with these mRNA injections by Pfizer and Moderna, messenger RNA is “used over and over … again and stays in the cells for a [very] long time.”

“We are working with scientists all over the world, and there is a belief now that the messenger RNA can survive cell division, [and] so a parent cell can give it to daughter cells,” he explained.

“For the first time in human history, we have a biologic product that’s telling our body to produce an abnormal protein,” he said.

The mRNA enters cells and causes them to create spike proteins, a “kind of a ‘loaded weapon,’ if you will. … It’s now known that the spike protein itself is independently pathogenic: it causes damage itself” to the cells in which it is produced, and then circulates in the body for about two weeks.

“As this protein circulates, it damages organs, it damages endothelial cells, blood cells, causes blood clotting,” McCullough said.  

“There is nothing about the spike protein that’s good. They’re lethal.”

Lets assume for a moment that everyone on each side of this thread has said everything they have to say. Wouldnt everyone agree at this stage of the game that posters likely arent going to change anyone’s position. Therefore, from here on, if someone repeats something theyve already said they must have a different need to fill. They either have a desperate need to say something or they have a desperate need to be heard.

I’ll go first…COPPER cables and crispy ground beef tacos!
 The problem is they called a "vaccine" something that is completely new therapy... But promoted and sold like old vaccination  working to ERASE COVID  but without any long term studies and anyway with no idea about the number of adverse events and their extension...

 It cannot erase covid by itself like a flu vaccine cannot eradicate flu...

Worst than a flu vaxx the new vaxx work with a new way and transform the body into being a manufacture of an unnatural protein then toxic... 

There is worst than that, if we study the history of vaccination in the century  but it will be too much for the moment....

Simple mind  call research, conspiracy, obeying their corporate master anyway....

With all due respect ghasley it’s ground beef crunchy shell tacos. I just don’t know who you are anymore. But in the name of unity let’s move past this ugly taco debate, it’s the kids that suffer the most. Everyone knows my stance on copper cables. I guess on to global warming.