Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Lets assume for a moment that everyone on each side of this thread has said everything they have to say. Wouldnt everyone agree at this stage of the game that posters likely arent going to change anyone’s position. Therefore, from here on, if someone repeats something theyve already said they must have a different need to fill. They either have a desperate need to say something or they have a desperate need to be heard.
One side ask the other to be vaxx...Or to shut his mouth....

The other side ask to think BEFORE being vaxx...Dont want to shut his mouth contemplating undemocratic action of corporations...

I dont know but i prefer those who think before acting...

In my case the "different need to fill" is discussing with friends...I am retired ...

Ending the thread which is an interesting one, with tacos, so good they are is not an option... Perhaps some other people will have something to say....i Will listen...

Anyway with all there is on the world scene , discussing digital or tubes is less interesting for me... And my audio system is satisfying.... I am here for the people not for learning audio anymore... Job done...

Anyway acoustic is less complex than the Covid crisis and take less time to figure it out generally , then i dont expect most people here will take the time needed to understand the covid crisis, and very few poster in audio thread understand acoustic powerful action anyway .... They prefer to upgrade.... i prefer to listen.... 😊😁😎😊

Money only dont buy Hi-Fi, acoustic knowledge do it....

Vaxx only dont solve coronavirus crisis Vaxx + early treatment could do...
To all the non-humans participating in this thread (and you may not know who you are), I triple double dog dare you to take the test.  You do not have to post your test results, but if what I suspect is true, then only the non-humans (including bots) will continue to post.  instead of calling people sheep, just dream of electric sheep.
@arch2 my sincere apologies. My research indicates that sour cream should NEVER be present on a taco, if you disagree then Marxism is at play.
@mahgister, I appreciate the positive vibes. Likewise my friend 

Very interesting the similarities.

Play some music y’all, for we still are some of the luckiest BOTS on the face of planet earth.

Cleveland and Charger game has been a heavy weight bout!
when the news tells you that the vaccines are failing, and people are getting sick because of  a new variant...Delta++++EXTREME variant
Lambda, Zeta, Theta EXTREME!!!!! with an extra serving of EXTREME!! ++++

Please remember these posts on an audio forum you saw on a windy October evening.