Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@yuviarora - that’s not very nice. According to most in here, were that truly the case, they would simply be victims of fraud.

Fraud, to me, is the most common accusation made by anti-mRNA vaxxers.
Anti-vaxxers is an entirely inaccurate label for those not sold on the mRNA Covid vaccines. And assuming anyone taking any vaccine, are making an effort to be responsible, which seems to be the claim by those who are pro mRNA Covid vaccines. Most people now believe it is their personal and public duty to become completely vaccinated, that is the reported truth.

Of course, there are many times in history where reported or popular truths have fallen by the way side. I grew up in a time where lead was added to paints and fuels, asbestos was commonly used.

We can presume that those who have and are warning us against current Covid vaccines are trying to help us, for our best interest. We can also assume those who do not share those concerns, also, trust their sources and are urging us to see sense and reason to get the shot.

Despite attitudes, accusations and potential bitterness - they are not the enemy. Lies are the enemy, truth is our ally.
In light of this revelation.....
The question of the day is,
Are Natural Human Rights, applicable to the segment of the population that has been altered genetically and is now considered Trans Human?
Pandora's box does not even begin to describe this predicament. 
I just noticed I was called a Marxist that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time also someone has no idea what Marxism is all about. Thanks for the laugh though!
@rixthetrick I am giving you information straight from the supreme court, link is at an @gov site. There is more happening here than meets the eye. 
People  want to talk about law and  what's legal, this is the law of the United States of America, as it stands today. 
Informed Consent.... is a burden on the party consenting, this is how these corporations do business. 
Trust the science.....NO I say, verify the science. Even if you don't have a degree, if you get injured, you are on your own.  And by the looks of it, that is the least of our problems. 
Marxism fails because of mankind's propensity towards human behavior.
Largely, a lack of integrity as they reach a point where there is no accountability.

As a foreigner, I find the great experiment currently being run in the United States of America a fascinating set of constitutions set against mankind's capacity for selfishness and control over others.

If enough people decide to corrupt and ignore the foundation, like all other empires and civilizations, a lack of integrity to principles that are universal, will cause it's collapse.