The Rotels that you own are 'beasts' of an amp. Rotel engineers will have designed a wonderful and suitable power supply inside them, one that does all the mains power filtering needed. An (overly) expensive power cable won't / shouldn't be able to add much to that. If Rotel didn't do a good job, you wouldn't have bought them in the first place.
My guess is you could spend your money on other nice or fun things because you're probably not going to hear a difference, besides maybe the psychological effect that your brain wants to hear a difference after you made a serious investment.
If to you such power cables fall in the category of nice / fun things to have then to answer your question: your 2x350 Watts amp, delivered via 110V requires 7A, or or 3A if you're on 240V. The cable should be rated for those 7 Amperes.