newguru, Seems you may be correct that your meter is not sensitive enough, but the spec for output voltage of your cartridge (2.2mV at 5/cm/sec) alone is not the final arbiter of whether or not your meter would work. Because we don't know what is the stylus velocity on the 1kHz test band; it might be 5X or 10X the standard velocity for measuring cartridge output, which would put you at least at the lower end of your meter's sensitivity. On the other hand, since crosstalk is going to be a tiny fraction of the signal voltage, and since that is what you ultimately will want to measure, you're likely to be out of luck for measuring the crosstalk directly. That was to be expected, and it is my fault for suggesting it might be even possible without amplification. So you are going to have to do the measurements at the output of the phono stage or preamplifier. The phono stage provides RIAA correction. The RIAA curve is flat from about 500Hz to about 2kHz, which is good, because it will be flat (zero correction due to the RIAA filter) at 1kHz. The output of the phono stage will be in a very comfortable range for either your scope or the meter function. (I gather your Hantech can function both a scope or as a meter.)I recommend that you read this article. It makes a good argument for the "physical" method of adjusting azimuth.http//
With all respect, MC, I have no idea what you are talking about here or how it relates in any way to adjusting azimuth: "The problem with this one, it is like measuring an amp by watts. Do the most watts mean the amp sounds the best? Right. Waste of time."
With all respect, MC, I have no idea what you are talking about here or how it relates in any way to adjusting azimuth: "The problem with this one, it is like measuring an amp by watts. Do the most watts mean the amp sounds the best? Right. Waste of time."