Pro-Ject Extension 12 to SME Model 10

I am considering upgrading my turntable from a Pro-Ject Extension 12 to a SME Model 10.
Would this be a worth while upgrade?
Would it actually sound better?
Is there another turntable in the price range of the SME Model 10 to consider?
I am unfamiliar with the benefits of upgrading the turntable as this is the first that I have owned.
I would keep my current cartridge a Sumiko Pearwood Celebration II.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank You
@knight7m , You should upgrade your list with the Sota Nova Vacuum. It can also be had with a beautiful dust cover!
Agreed mijostyn5.
I like know what SQ differences between Sota and VPI.   I dont like tube sound, its moody and put me into sleep.   I like SS sound but similar to Krell: definations, resolution, extensions, neutral.
Having owned previously VPI TNT6HR and Technics SP10mkII, I now own and would agree on Sota. There a used ones out there because they've been around 30+yrs, they're HIGHLY upgradeable, and if SME was something you like, SME arms are one of the most common combos on the better Sota tables. 
FWIW, I had Nolas as my speaker when I owned the VPI & Technics tables. My system page details some of my impressions of the changes. Cheers,
I had a SME10 it is an excellent table and very well priced when you buy used, I used it with the SME M2-9 it was great match, you also can get a second armboard out of the UK so you can set up 2 arms, I moved to a Dr Feickert Blackbird that added a little better bottom end, recently have been using direct drive tables and like how the handle pace and rhythm compared to belt drives. The SME uses a sub platter under the main platter I feel that is a good design also has an outboard power supply. I have set up a couple of Project tables I don't think their build qulity is as good as other tables in the same price range YMMV