Best path to upgrade my source

I am a new start up in the stereo world. At present I have an Audible Illusions pre, 200 watt tube mono's, dynaudio 1.3 mk 11'S, and a highly modded marantz cd67se. I would like to upgrade the front end source. I am on a tight budget, and I'm considering either a Benchmark dac1 or Naim cdi or meridian 506. I prefer acoustic, soft jazz, and mild rock and roll. My listening habits revolve around detail and immediacy as my 53 year old ears have heard better. Any suggestions?

Check out the Monarchy M24 at $980 new with 30 day trial (15% restocking fee). I'm extremely pleased with mine.

Thanks for the feedback. The Monarchy M22C with the piggy-back PCMs is on my short list. Are you talking about the M-24 with Line Stage for driving amps? How's the soundstage (width & depth; placement)? Monarchy web-site lists unit at $1490; Does Mr. Poon have a special running?

My short list includes:

April Music Stello DA220 DAC
Audio Horizons DAC-2a
Benchmark DAC1
Lavry DA10
Monarchy M22C

I've seen several on this thread talk about the Audio Lite Dac that I was wondering if anyone has heard its big brother (DAC 68).
I haven't heard any of the more expensive models of the Lite DAC Ah but clicking here, Audio Asylum will get you search results for "Lite DAC" where there are a number of threads about the various products. There's more information about the DAC 60 and 72 than the 68 but you might find something useful. (Scroll down the page a bit when it comes up so you can see the search results below the search box.)

The M24 is the next step up from the M22C. If you go to you can read some reviews on it. Not that I give reviews a lot of credibility, but the one written by Lynn Olsen in PF happens to be very informative from other perspectives, in addition to the M24. It is a combined preamp/DAC, but you can run the DAC only using the DAC outputs instead of the line outputs. There is a special, it's listed on Audiogon under the tube preamp section, just do a search, or call Mr. Poon directly.

I have read about the piggy back mods for the earlier Monarchy DACs, but don't know if that is something that Mr. Poon recommends for the M24. At least he didn't mention it to me in our conversations. As for the sound of the DAC, initially I found the highs a little brittle and tinny, but after about 200 hours they smoothed out nicely. The soundstage is wide, deep, and in my system, slightly more forward. Separation of instruments is definitely noticeable and the unit, although tube based is very quiet and the bass accurate, not bloated. I swapped the stock tubes for NOS Siemens ECC88 goldpins and this improved the sound as well, although not dramatically, the stock tubes are pretty good military spec Sylvania selected by Mr. Poon. I would highly recommend trying this DAC in lieu of the M22C.