
Some recordings I hear it, sometimes I don’t. I just listened to "Time" from Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon through BluOS and my Bluesound Node 2i, upgraded CJ PV-10AL, Emotiva XPA-2 Gen3, and Maggie 1.7is. It’s very noticeable to me on "S"s and high hat on that song. Thoughts?
If you're using the Node2i's internal Dac, then I agree with buddyboy. Adding a standalone DAC will improve SQ in every way. A R2R multibit has a more forgiving presentation.

Preamp has isolators not cd player (short of what was provided stock) or Bluesound 2i. 
Some recordings I hear it, sometimes I don’t.
Variations on the hearing happens too. Stress, blood preasure,... can affect female sibiliants, cymbals, high pitch violin sections. Hope will not be the case.