The young technology is about hooking up your computer to a DAC at the audiophile level. If you don't know what to do with usb DAC because there is only a handful of products and comments out there, then there are plenty of standard DACs. But to hook up a standard DAC, you would either have to use the soundcard S/PDIF output or a limited choice of connecting boxes one of which is the Squeezebox. So far I have not heard anything conclusive reports from reliable sources that the whole setup is leap and bound above all CDP available out there.
As to quiet PC, I have been using various components recommended by on my main computer. They are quiet relative to the standard stuff. However, the whole box is not as quiet as a good CDP.
As to quiet PC, I have been using various components recommended by on my main computer. They are quiet relative to the standard stuff. However, the whole box is not as quiet as a good CDP.