I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
A rock band dropping one of its many hits from its live set list is hardly an example of "cancel culture."

The Stones are part of the generation which represents "doing their own thing"  

I think it's more of a PR thing to align more with $ponsor$, who hold the bag. They can't to upset the new rule.

The worst censorship is self-censorship. Because if someone else shuts you up at least you still think what you think. In self censoring you no longer allow yourself to even think about certain things. Then there is when they manipulate people into censoring each other. Happens around here all the time. People who already have lost the ability to think for themselves try and impose their lack of free independent thought on others. They are what Stalin used to call "useful idiots" those who have internalized the party line to the point they actually help it along. Like saying this isn’t an example of cancel culture when obviously it totally is.    

Are you for, against or indifferent to the lyrics of Brown Sugar or just taking the opportunity to state a general position against censorship?