Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers

What you prefer , single driver , no crossover, full   range  loudspeakers powered by low power SAT  or traditional 2-3 way design ?
But when you consider AER/Vox/Festrex all 3 big WBer labs employ whizzers.
They must have tested with and w/o whizzers.
To me its not important whizzer or no whizzer, only the acutal sound matters to me. 
Still waiting for your imput as to the TB 2145's beaming effect.
I could swear I heard soemthing of that affect in my 2 day  testing. .
So if the 2145 does present some beaming,, well then yeah no whizzer  *IS* a  problem.
Which is why I think they designed the spiked PP in the W3/W4's. 
I mean to me beaming not a big issue as i am sitting in one spot,, HOWEVER if I can find a  speaker that has much less beaming,  and sounds on same hifi level (as does the DLVX8) well then I'd rather have the less beam speaker.
I know you want to defend the 2145 at all costs, as it is your main speaker in   the design.
Had I made more extensive testing of the 2, I might be able to find reasons to place the DLVX8 above the TB2145.
My review states *nearly identical** I am retracting now, the DLVX8 **I prefer over * the TB2145. Close call, 
But if only 1 gets the cigar,
 well then
DLVX8 gets the  Cuban. 

Mark Audio no whizzers
Fostex's top of line, whizzer.
8" sigma is   no good I , not for me, very bad freq response, if you see this got the pick about 10 db on  3.5Hkz , cone break , same f-n issue like TB 1808 and illuminate on TB 2145 ,  i guess the cone is too light , 2145 got  fiber on paper and does not this issue, and definitely requered super tweeter , fr response go down after 5 KHZ. No good for customers ,    
Last year, I spent 3 hours on each occasion - critical listening sessions to Charney and the Cube Audio Nenuohar. And I didn’t much like either. There was no intimacy or dynamic range to me. I much preferred multi driver speakers and acquired Harbeth 40.2’s over them. 
I suspect my ear- brain connection is simply too slow to pick up all the downsides commonly associated with multi drivers. 
Got you, i open this tread to find out all opinions,  we design all my bacheaudio  based on wide range with bass and high drivers help, like compromise between two, Single base Ls got a lot issues ,  but still  folks like it and buy.