Nagaoka MP-150 vs MP-200

I recently upgraded my turntable which came with a Naga MP-150.  I like the 150, but can't help wondering how much difference a 200 stylus would make.  For anyone with experience with both, I welcome your thoughts. (Previously I had a Signet TK5e for many years, which I was happy with. Anyone happen to know what current cartridge would be closest sounding to that?)
I have tried the MP 200 and have it installed on my sister's TT, she seems very happy with the improvement from her Shure Cartridge, (can't remember which Shure it was). I currently have my old MP 30 Cartridge and a new MP 300 stylus installed on the cartridge (they are compatible) and really love the clarity especially in the high and mid frequencies, cymbals, drum sticks on the side of the snare and any  horns. Female voice is also enhanced and more life like.
Just one person's experience, I think it can be a bit of a personal process, hit and miss.
@xs1137 Nanrdic is using LOMC cartridges only, but believe me when he bought those NOS Signet they were mentioned so often in MM thread here on audiogon by so many different users, you can simply search the audiogon forum and you will find all the information. Some people will tell you that Signet top models are the best MM cartridges ever made, I never tried the best Signet, but I love the best Audio-Technica from the same era (but they are over $2k NOS). If your budget is $300 I bet you can choose one of those inexpensive models Nandric has.

You can trust all those made by AT:


Use any of these key words and search audiogon forum, some people are crazy about those cartridges.
Why? There are much better cartridges....don't believe the Korean guy on youtube....