I just ordered a pair of Zu Omen Def's

I was looking at Tekton and ZU (I actually was leaning toward Tekton due to price). My current polk speakers are the weak link in my system. I emailed both with some questions about my system etc. I never heard from Tekton, however Sean at Zu sent me a pretty informative email. I was considering the Superfly's in the ZU line. Since my current system is a Pioneer Elite SS receiver (I will upgrade at end of year, not sure if I'll go SS or tube), Sean mentioned that the Omen Def's play nice with pretty much any amp/receiver I throw at it. I ordered a pair plus WAF is a plus. Great service. I still have not heard from Tekton. I have heard Zu's before (I believe Druids) and loved how they sound. I'll give a review once I receive them
I'm getting the amp bug now. The Omen Defs have been sounding outstanding with my pioneer elite receiver. From what I've been reading, a much higher quality amp will bring lots more depth into the soundstage. The Pass Labs amps seem to be a good SS fit (I'm so afraid of losing any bass by going with tubes).

Would older, used Pass amps provide a good fit?
You have endless amp options and yes, older Pass amps are fantastic with Zu. I believe the First Watt F3 would be a good choice. A more expensive choice, but one that is great is a XA 30.5 or the new J2.

As for tubes, there are many choices that will give you great bass. There is a Mystere amp for sale right now that would work very well with your speakers. Another great choice would be a Decware Torii or a Melody amp.

Good luck on your choices.