Ric can be contacted at his website EVS audio (Electronic Visionary Systems) and his location is in California. From there you can email or just phone him as I do. You'll find Ric very easy to talk to about anything. Just make sure with him (or me) that your Creek and the DEQ are compatible for whatever you have in mind...OBTW, your next step will likely reveal that Toslink, compared to SPDIF, is grossly inferior soundwise. Coax, if you can swing it (the DEQ can), will be a big step up!
Update: just looked up the Creek on their website - it does indeed have a coax digital out (or at least the original CD43 did, I'm assuming the MkII does too). Should be an excellent transport for anything like the DEQ, which itself will give you 96k upsampling which will, compared to your non-sampling CDP, will greatly smooth out the highs - decidedly less rough or ragged sounding, for sure...by extension, that will likely help a bit with imaging too.
Update: just looked up the Creek on their website - it does indeed have a coax digital out (or at least the original CD43 did, I'm assuming the MkII does too). Should be an excellent transport for anything like the DEQ, which itself will give you 96k upsampling which will, compared to your non-sampling CDP, will greatly smooth out the highs - decidedly less rough or ragged sounding, for sure...by extension, that will likely help a bit with imaging too.