How far can room treatments solve boomy bass?

My current room is too small for my Snell Es. I will get a bigger room in the future. In the meantime, haw far can tube traps and wall traps go to eliminate my boomy bass problem?

Ric can be contacted at his website EVS audio (Electronic Visionary Systems) and his location is in California. From there you can email or just phone him as I do. You'll find Ric very easy to talk to about anything. Just make sure with him (or me) that your Creek and the DEQ are compatible for whatever you have in mind...OBTW, your next step will likely reveal that Toslink, compared to SPDIF, is grossly inferior soundwise. Coax, if you can swing it (the DEQ can), will be a big step up!

Update: just looked up the Creek on their website - it does indeed have a coax digital out (or at least the original CD43 did, I'm assuming the MkII does too). Should be an excellent transport for anything like the DEQ, which itself will give you 96k upsampling which will, compared to your non-sampling CDP, will greatly smooth out the highs - decidedly less rough or ragged sounding, for extension, that will likely help a bit with imaging too.
Inpieces and Martykl, thanks much, that helps clear it up. Onkyo makes (or did) some excellent tuners. I would imagine it sounds good.
Ivan, thanks, that's great news! If the sound can be better, all the better. I already get incredibly good sounding highs with the 8B and PV-5. Cymbals sound like wooshy brass. No ssshhhh. Or at least I think it sounds good.

Just saw this thread. I have a high resolution system that includes a PARC. The PARC was the only solution, after ASC Tube Traps to reduce a couple of modes at 31 and 62 Hz present in my room due to dimensional causes. The difference in soundstage, transparency and elocution is significant. It does not affect sound quality at all. Bear in mind, however, that it does require careful setup, preferably with a real time analyzer and then some subsequent tuning by ear. Rives Audio provides a system called BARE that utilizes a microphone, laptop, and a soundcard to provide the initial setup. Good luck.

The PARC is not transparent. It sucks the life out of the music. It does do an amazing job on bass, and that alone can make a huge difference to the whole presentation of the music, but it does degrade the sound in the mids and highs.

I had a panel of listeners do an a/b test with violin and harp and it was quite unanimous that many of the fine details were lost.
I wouldn't go against Madfloyds input. But it is not a bad choice buying PARC. As always there are different opinions. But to be clear, this is among the very best of choices. I experience no sucked out life in my my system. Buying a digital dito with inbuilt dac means you no longer can obtain what cdp you prefer as those digital room tuners uses the inbuilt dac.
Buy a used PARC and try it. Or have a home trial. Do remember, the room should be measured or you'll end up setting it up wrong. It is very much more difficult coming anywhere near using an analog spl meter than for instance XTZ Room analyzer pro II. I should now, i have them both. I also feel i have to put another thing into this subject. When you measure, set what data you'll get at the PARC. Also try to change levels of deduction at the PARC. That is to say, if you are about to drop 10/5 or 3 db as an example. Do try to go back with 5-10% increments in level.

Do this until you are satisfied by ear (fine tune by ear). The data you'll get from Room analyzer will give you frequency, Q-value and actual mode(s) in db. It is the db levels you tune by ear if you feel it don't sound as good as it looks when measured.
This will all be veryfied by Richard Bird at Rives.
It is very easy if you get the PARC and Room analyzer.
For best results, also try acoustical devices. Gik acoustics is a good choice as mentioned.

I have a wide and deep soundstage which is very vivid and smooth with great dynamical impact. I wouldn't even jump this thread give my point if i wasn't satisfied.