Solid state amp to go with tube preamp; used ok; budget: $3k max

I may have posed a similar question like this a while back, but I'm curious to get any updated thinking from folks, older or newer.

Situation: I have a Quicksilver Line Stage preamp and 60w monoblocks. I'm happy with them. I'd like to have a solid state amp to swap in for the monoblocks from time to time (weather, variety).

Typical desiderata in the amp are, as you'd expect, great grip on bass and pacing, smooth highs, good presence in mids, as wide and deep a soundstage as possible.

I tried Atoll 120wpc integrated (bypassing the preamp), Van Alstine SET 400, and my old Adcom 535L. None did the above to my satisfaction --problem mainly with mid, treble and with soundstage depth.

I've heard that stepping up the quality could bring something to the table, and to look out for Hegel, Ayre, Pass. Open to any topology. My speakers are 87 db, 8 ohm, and are driven just fine by 60w tube or solid state.

Specific recommendations for brands and models are welcome. I'm willing to buy, try, and re-sell if there's a good chance I'll want to keep it.

I'm going to be watching for things on used sites. Again, for this I'm setting an upper limit of $3k but am hopeful I could do fine with much less.
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@tvad Thanks for the link to the Monarchy. I have to admit to not wanting monoblocks for the solid state out of a desire for (cringe) convenience. Good to have that Pass model specified. 
@jason The review in Stereophile of the Eagle 2 is great. 

I'm making a watch list for things mentioned, so keep them coming!

any local pickup only. UPS will pack and ship for you, all they have to do is drop it off unboxed in your name, you ought to be able to get them to do that.

it's been fun looking, best of luck choosing something,

these Vintage SS look tempting

marantz 15

McIntosh MC2100, restored

Pioneer SA-9100 Receiver, have seller ship it straight to your restorer

SAE, I'm guessing 100 wpc, ship directly to restorer

Sony 100 wpc

and this Kenwood tempts me the most, I would ask some questions, get them to say working in writing, make an offer, get paypal protection, get credit card protection, get lucky perhaps.

no returns, any problems, it's worth fixing I think

they forgot to say it is a Kenwood, 170 wpc



@elliot -- thanks for the Vintage options. Not confident about vintage but you’re opening my eyes.

Someone locally posted a Coda at $5300. Too much for me to pay but I wonder how Coda ranks...and, more importantly, whether it would ever appear used at $3k or lower.

The key -- key! -- is that this thing be a league above... my Adcom, the Van Alstine, the Atoll. I need, perhaps, to overshoot the mark to make sure I don't land back where I've been.