There is no such thing as ’’rationality’’ to findRationality is not an object supposed to exist, nor a concept only supposed to be eternal... Latin rationality inherited from the greek Logos... It is a living RELATION, an internal TOTALITY encompassing what we call "reality" now, which is material only, discourse and speech and consciousness and thinking mind... The transformation of this internal totality of experience in Three external totalities is the passage from the beginning of our civilization to the actual "hubris" and Faustian will of our own actual world, culminating in technological idolatrry called transhumanism...Which is the absolute death of reason by separating it from freedom and then separating it from the reality and from language....
in human history.
Rationality is a meaningful creation by imaginative moral perception...
When someone say: "Dont do to others what you dont want the others did to you, " this person by a FREE act of moral perceptive imagination create a NEW reality where it is possible to experiment in himself what others will feel...Without this freedom this is not possible...Free moral imaginative perception is a new organ of perception literally.... How can we perceive pure love without it?
Rationality is a NEW meaningful phenomenon created in the cosmos and it came into being by a free act of thinking ONLY....It is not a dead rule... But something that is born new each day , it is evolutive growing process...
Then rationality exist at the same time like an absolute creation and like an absolute new world...It is the living link between the two...
What is reality without rationality: a nightmare who work to exist and will disapear...Look in an horror movie
What is reality with rationality : something no numbers can define, a changing, evolving, meaninful growing living new cosmos...
Calling that wishful thinking is abolishing freedom...And calling that wishful thinking is negating reality not endorsing it...It is endorsing a condemned reality promised to disapear not by a judging God external to it but by the power of our freedom...
Reality need us to exist....If not, something lack for his perpetuation as conscious life....
Kant was wrong... what moves human being to act is not an external God or an external imperative , a duty... It is freedom to love....
Miyostin, The ’’shorthand’’ description of truth is ’’correspondence
with reality’’.
Truth come into being by participation not ONLY by an EXTERNAL correspondance between language,mind and reality...This participation participated to an INTERNAL totality of meaning between reality, mind and language... Technology is powerful but BLIND... Technology is not science itself.... And science is not ONLY knowledge... It is not enough for science to exist....It lack free consciousness and moral perceptive and creative imagination....The cult of technology is an idolatry of power without science nor reason...
All misunderstanding in philosophy mostly come with the lost of an innate meaning and the freedom of pure power inherited by the emergence of nominalism...It was a detotalisation of the original logos...History after biological evolution could not exist without this pure act of possible freedom without this lost of innate meaning which was an original "programmation" of consciousness...This history is a revelation (apocalypsos in greek ) of our own FREE being ....We are free to create hell or heaven.... It is not religion here.... Read science fiction book.... Like "Blade runner" inspired by Philip K. Dick....
Any act of perceptive and creative moral imagination is a prophecy or a potential prediction... We choose between horror or beauty... Freely....
They still need to discover Frege. So in this case Americans andBy the way it is impossible to understand history of philosophy which is also an history of consciousness ( like music history is or art history etc) without going back to the origin of our own civilization with the birth of nominalism and BEFORE at the times of Parmenides...
English (Russel) were first.
But it will take a book for me to explain that not a post....