I will be posting more about what we listened on both amps to and perhaps more. The EVS 1200 is going to a secondary system (Selah Audio SA-2s and a Rel Strata III sub) and I am waiting on a used Teac UD-503 (which I will use with a mini fanless PC and JRiver) as the Teac has volume control and an analog input (so I can have fun with my modded Carver C-9 Sonic Hologram Generator unit being fed by an Oppo 103D, which is connected to my network). Canada Post is estimating delivery on October 27 as of right now. In addition, since my friend comes over most weeks, I've been helping him with recommendations for his system. At one point quite a while back, I brought over my Teac UD-501 (which I don't own any longer) to compare to his Schiit Audio Multibit DAC. He got rid of that his separate Schitt Audio headphone amp and bought a used Teac UD-503 (which he indicated smoked his old stuff and I made some cables for him to get rid of his Blue Jeans ones someone recommended to him) and now has an Apollon Audio IcePower amp in a shallow depth case (which he needed). So this will also allow him to hear things on similar electronics as he will likely be eventually building speakers with the help of a friend of his.
Note that I'm only posting in this thread (vs. the others) and observation between the two amps. As some of you aware, there may be an uneducated individual (or perhaps more than one) who just don't want to understand that Class D now is not the same as it was a few years ago. There are those that have had relatioships in the audio industry who just want to protect those who may be selling things at retail which may cost (e.g 2-4 times) more vs. commenting from actual experience of using the product (and one really can't comment on what another hears or does not hear - well I guess one can comment but in some cases we know why).
I have also discussed with Tweak1 about potential bringing down the modded Voyager (he's a hair more than 2.5 hours south of me) after he gets and breaks in new speakers. As with any evaluation of sound in one's system, the user will generally select recordings of their choosing (my friend who came over last night and wanted one additional song added to the list I made up last week which he was fine with) which they are familiar with in order to evaluate the system. Some feel the need to comment on the music selection as if it is a diner meny and they can order what they want. For those and for those that fit in that category or of the prior paragraph, you may have a future as a back seat driver. Please visit indeed dot com and best of luck with the job search:)