Room treaments

I am beginning to treat my listening room now.
Question what is the preferred room treatments for more seasoned audiophiles with dedicated rooms. It seems there are quite a few members that have great wisdom in this area and we newbies would welcome feedback.
Absorption or difraction/ diffusion or combination of all

Here is what I am thinking to begin.
Absorption at first reflection points (using 2 x4 acoustic panels on side walls)
Thick carpet between speakers and listening position
Ceiling Absorption( same 2 x4 acoustic panels)
Back wall combination of difraction/Absorption
Front wall Absorption.
Corners floor to ceiling bass traps.

Yes. To my mind you are right on track. What are the dimensions of your room and system. But in general sounds perfect. Do one at a time if you completely know the sound of your system.
Make sure you listen before the addition of the (Ownes Corning 703?) panels, and after. Don't overdo it as it's possible to overdamp the space and suck the life from the music. Never use acoustic foam.
What type of speakers, size of room? Diffraction might be better at first reflection or nothing at all.