My room is 12 wide by 18 long and ceiling is fairly low at just under 7 foot
I built the room specifically for my 2 channel system .
I have Salk Sound SS-6M 2 way monitors with all YBA solid state seperates
I will play around with absorption and difraction/ diffusion.
I made the diy 2 by 4 sound panels and will play around with placement but I was thinking more absorption at first relation points rather than diffusion.
On the back wall behind my listening chair I ideally want both absorption and difraction so I might experiment with some DIY diffusers and maybe a home brew quadratic diffuser. I have seen a few designs on you tube that I might try.
But as far as corner treatment I haven't given that much thought. All the bass traps I have seen take up a lot of re estate.
I guess it is a fine line between a lively room and a sonically dead room.
I appreciate the advice
I built the room specifically for my 2 channel system .
I have Salk Sound SS-6M 2 way monitors with all YBA solid state seperates
I will play around with absorption and difraction/ diffusion.
I made the diy 2 by 4 sound panels and will play around with placement but I was thinking more absorption at first relation points rather than diffusion.
On the back wall behind my listening chair I ideally want both absorption and difraction so I might experiment with some DIY diffusers and maybe a home brew quadratic diffuser. I have seen a few designs on you tube that I might try.
But as far as corner treatment I haven't given that much thought. All the bass traps I have seen take up a lot of re estate.
I guess it is a fine line between a lively room and a sonically dead room.
I appreciate the advice