The ideal auditorium? Blank canvas

I am placing this under "Speakers", since it's all about building an auditorium that will become one with my speakers.

I have the opportunity to build a small auditorium in my garden (in Christchurch, New Zealand). This will be a house with one empty area for my audio and CD collection. It will be designed to be used only by myself, and maybe the occasional visitor.

My current music room is 4x3M, and I find that too small (acoustically). However, building an auditorium slightly smaller (max. 10m2) presents a huge advantage: there is no need for building consent and red tape...

I am using a pair of New Zealand built Image 414 loudspeakers with a matching subwoofer , powered by a Sony TA-FA3ES integrated amplifier - a combination that is very satisfying. I listen exclusively to classical; subwoofer helps a lot with organ, but is necessary in some other cases only.

The auditorium must be built with potential future uses in mind. It will have water connections for an eventual kitchen and bathroom. Whatever shape I give to it, it must be easily converted into accommodation / office later.

Since I have a blank canvas, what is your advice on:

- Ideal size, proportions (square? rectangular? other shape?)

- Ideal floor (carpet over concrete? over floating wooden floor?)

- Floor height? Should I plan a sitting area higher than the speakers?

- Ideal walls?

- Ideal height?

I suppose the ideal shape will be symmetrical.

Any advice would be appreciated. I plan to draw plans which I would publish here.
Looks awesome, much nicer than a crypt. Feng Shui principal is to have doors and windows visible from the sitting or sleeping position. Idea is that you should be able to see who is entering.

I once lived in a house with a glass wall on one side of the den. I had the couch along that side facing into the room. Any time someone walked up and knocked, or walked in, I wasn't expecting it. I changed the couch to the other wall, without even thinking about why, and the feel of the space became noticeably more comfortable.

I don't know if this is possible with the design or if you care... just thought I'd mention it.

Looks like a fun project. Good luck.

If you can manage to get that 375mm dimension up to 400ish mm or a bit over 400mm, I'd think that you'd be in very good shape. As to record/cd racking - the same suggestion would apply to either:

Stagger the depth of the racking in order to break up the long, flat surface.

Keep us posted on the project.

Feng Shui principal is to have doors and windows visible from the sitting or sleeping position. Idea is that you should be able to see who is entering.

Bjesien, yes, but that would mean that the sliding glass door and windows are on the narrow side of the house, and that wouldn't work well either.

In the current setup, I am planning to have a thick theater curtain blocking the sliding door in my back. I do like to see who's coming, though, and I may consider a security camera, or maybe some outside mirrors on the side windows for that purpose. Not sure how compatible that is with Feng Shui?