I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
And a three party system would be ok also but since the current two parties can't agree on much it's doubtful a third would help. Maybe a little more moderate thinking is in order.
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Right now it seems we have a four party system....it would be great if there were just three. That's kindof what we have enjoyed post WWII, especially after McCarthy-Murrow.

It seems there is a far left (forgive all student loans, abolish law enforcement), an enlightened left, an enlightened right and a radical right. I seem to recall many in the radical camps used to tame their rhetoric in order to get things done. I also seem to recall the voting records of moderates in both camps would find middle ground without grandstanding. Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan could have a beer. Not so much today. Javits, Dirksen...where are today's versions?
All I can say is thank God we have a two party system in this country that allows different views to be discussed, debated, and voted on. If you only want one point of view go and live in a communist country and see how you like it.

Why bother when it is already in the White House?
@ ghasley

Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan could have a beer
I have kept pretty close tabs on politics since the late 70’s. I remember watching Ollie North trial on C-span. Then the evening news at 6:30. They reported on the trial. But it seemed like we had watched 2 different things. There was no accuracy on their parts then and it has gotten progressively over the years til now they are just a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They are also the ones who started this myth of Tip & Reagan working together IMO since I never saw any evidence of thins before Reagan’s death.
As to the 4 parties I believe that is the scene they want you to believe. of course the " enlightened right " are the ones who continually cave to every hair brain idea of the left. Show me one instance of Dem’s moving towards agreement with the right. It isn’t there. But that too is a show IMO. The real truth is that we have a uni party (An Idea I had always shunned before recently). The parties now remind me of the pro Wrestling circuits. They have the heels (bad guys) and the baby faces (good guys) fighting against each other over right & wrong. but at the end of the month/week, they BOTH get a paycheck. Only the DC elites get a check from China instead of Vince McMahon. Remember the Biden laptop (from hell). Of course it was swept under the rug quickly as were the FISA court records for the Russian Hoax & Hillary’s emails