Now I have long interconnects (balanced) between pre and power so I can see that I need something to drive that cable.I don't know of a preamp that cost only $1000 that supports the balanced standard. Since you are driving long cables what you might consider is getting a set of Jensen transformers to sit at the output of the preamp and then have them drive the cables properly. You might be surprised at how well this can perform. You can do this with a single-ended preamp too.
I'm assuming that the amplifier has a balanced input. Its easier to build a balanced input that supports the standard than it is to build a preamp output section that does the same thing. So you may not need transformers at the input of the amp(s).
If you do try this, the output of any line transformer has to be loaded for best results. Jensen Transformers can advise you in this regard with their product, as should any manufacturer of a quality line transformer.