Octave V70SE vs Qualiton X200

Anyone experience comparing both amps? Currently have the Qualiton X200 on audition and really very impressed. The Octave has gotten really good reviews as well, but from what I’ve read it’s pretty neutral sounding. I’m looking for a warmer sound but still resolving which is why I chose to demo the X200 first. It hasn’t disappointed thus far. Pricing is close, Octave is a bit more but not far away from the X200. This is subjective but looks wise I prefer the X200. Reminds me of my Dads old Hifi setup. Thanks in advance.
The store I demoed the Octave line had the entire Dynaudio line so I asked to hook up the Confidence 20's as well as the Contour 20i's.
My jaw dropped. IMO the combo of the Octave and Dynaudio is a match made in heaven! Good Luck to you!
@chipcalzone -- I'm driving the Harbeth SHL5+ with the a50i with no issues at all. The SHL5+ are 86db/6 ohms. I can crank it up to the point where I don't care to stay in the room. And even then I'm probably at 50% of the volume dial. But either way, both models are excellent. Good luck!

X200 vs A50i both are very nice and I own the X200 and did demo the a20i and for my needs the X200 was the choice.
V70 is very nice and a friend has one and she said it took a long while for it to well sound right. Those are her words. She said the first few weeks she was ready to send it back that's how bad it sounded.
With the X200 you do have a lot of tube choices and many people are all "you have to run the KT170" well I did and they are okay but I prefer the all around great sound of the KT120 and when wanting to listen to classical critically I pop KT88's in. I listen to all formats, Streaming Q, CD and Analog or LP. 
 I have QLN Prestige Three's at 88 ish dB the X200 sounds fantastic with them.

Oh PS also thinking about getting one of Underwood Wally's Class D machines for kicks to flog the QLN P-3's
Thanks to all for the input. I have no doubt the Octave sounds good with Dynaudio as it was the first amp that was on my radar as the synergy between both is well documented. From what I've gathered both amps are at the same level of performance and it will boil down to preference. If I had not come from having an SS amp I would probably be choosing the Octave. However, the idea now is to move towards something warmer and tube-like. 

@jerryg123 Were you able to demo both models? X200 vs A50i? How do they compare?