NPS-1260 Connection fluid

Interesting item.  May try.

any others use it?
rocray & 68pete,
I agree with you on the SQ improvements IRT 1260. Just wondering why danmar liked Stabilant better than 1260. Don't think I've heard that opinion before.  
Hi all,
I just tried that "Nail Polish" NPS-1260 on about 80% of all metal connections in my system and the result was outstanding. I found the improvement was instant, and it quickly transformed my system to another level. It quickly switched me from a doubter to a believer.... worth every pennies, IMO.
In a short few words, 8Pete said it all, "much more detail and much larger sound stage". Sorry viewer Dorkwad, I didn’t finish reading your full review because it is long but I’m sure yours and mine will have many similarities.
As I said it in my other post (in cable category), I strongly believe every audiophiles should at least try this liquid 1260, rich or poor, newbies or veterans, entry level or mega system, this is the best $350 you’d probably ever spend. You can hold up on that IC or power cord or even the amplify that you are planing to buy. Get this audio enhancement. It will surprise you and will please you immensely.

Rick has been a proponent of Stabilant 22 for years. In a previous era this product was rebranded by Sumiko and called 'Tweak'.

In regards to NPS-1260, I have not tried it yet, but I can guarantee you that Rick would not have rebranded some off the shelf product. He is an intuitive inventor and would have come up with a special formulation that he got a chemical company to produce just for him. 

Yes there is a lot of hype and fluff in the marketing, but it will be a unique product no one else does in the industry.
This is the ingredient’s in the NPS-1260

This product is a mixture of conductive polymers and conductive nanoparticles.

1. Palladium Nanopowder (Pd, 99.95%, 15 nm)
Palladium (Pd) 7440-05-3
2. Rhodium Nanopowder (Rh, 99.95%, 15 nm) Rhodium (Rh) 7440-16-6
3. Platinum Nanopowder (Pt, 99.95%, 15 nm) Platinum (Pt) 7440-06-4
4. Ruthenium Nanopowder (Ru, 99.95%, 15 nm) Ruthenium (Ru) 7440-18-8
5. Iridium Nanopowder (Ir, 99.95%, 15 nm) Iridium (Ir) 7439-88-5
6. Gold Nanopowder (Au, 99.95%, 15 nm) Gold (Au) 7440-57-5
7. Silver Nanoparticles Silver (Ag) 7440-22-4
8. Graphene Nanoplatelets (95+%, thickness 2-8 nm, 3-6 layers) Graphene 7782-42-5

1. Palladium Nanopowder (Pd, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-05-3
2. Rhodium Nanopowder (Rh, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-16-6
3. Platinum Nanopowder (Pt, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-06-4
4. Ruthenium Nanopowder (Ru, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-18-8
5. Iridium Nanopowder (Ir, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7439-88-5
6. Gold Nanopowder (Au, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-57-5
7. Silver Nanoparticles 10% 7440-22-4
8. Graphene Nanoplatelets (95+%, thickness 2-8 nm, 3-6 layers) 10% 308068-56-6
9. Conductive Polymer 10% Not Applicable
10. Shungite 10% Not Applicable

After using it for a few weeks now I say it is good stuff.  I have treated starting from my circuit breakers to my speaker cables, interconnects and phono.  The background is blacker than ever.  Listening to CDs: I hear background noise in some CD tracks now.  At first, I thought I was hearing the S/N of the DAC but it is only on some CDs.  I hear studio echo in CD tracks- something that I used to only hear with vinyl.  My new DAC/Transport is a whole level higher in detail than my last CD player but now the detail is further enhanced with the GPS-1260.  Streaming is dead quiet as well but I can't see how to treat a USB cable.  I'm worried about shorting the pins with the stuff.  I still need to treat all of my tube pins but I just can't stop listening for now.
You know, the rheostats for automotive fuel level senders are made from a conductive ink silk screened onto a ceramic card.  This conductive ink is a paste made of Gold, Paladium and Platinum.  A tube of this paste 20 years ago cost about $5000 but it made several thousand sender cards.  Used to use a Silver paste but OBDII requirements killed that.  The ingredients in GPS-1260 are not cheap.