NPS-1260 Connection fluid

Interesting item.  May try.

any others use it?
Rick has been a proponent of Stabilant 22 for years. In a previous era this product was rebranded by Sumiko and called 'Tweak'.

In regards to NPS-1260, I have not tried it yet, but I can guarantee you that Rick would not have rebranded some off the shelf product. He is an intuitive inventor and would have come up with a special formulation that he got a chemical company to produce just for him. 

Yes there is a lot of hype and fluff in the marketing, but it will be a unique product no one else does in the industry.
This is the ingredient’s in the NPS-1260

This product is a mixture of conductive polymers and conductive nanoparticles.

1. Palladium Nanopowder (Pd, 99.95%, 15 nm)
Palladium (Pd) 7440-05-3
2. Rhodium Nanopowder (Rh, 99.95%, 15 nm) Rhodium (Rh) 7440-16-6
3. Platinum Nanopowder (Pt, 99.95%, 15 nm) Platinum (Pt) 7440-06-4
4. Ruthenium Nanopowder (Ru, 99.95%, 15 nm) Ruthenium (Ru) 7440-18-8
5. Iridium Nanopowder (Ir, 99.95%, 15 nm) Iridium (Ir) 7439-88-5
6. Gold Nanopowder (Au, 99.95%, 15 nm) Gold (Au) 7440-57-5
7. Silver Nanoparticles Silver (Ag) 7440-22-4
8. Graphene Nanoplatelets (95+%, thickness 2-8 nm, 3-6 layers) Graphene 7782-42-5

1. Palladium Nanopowder (Pd, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-05-3
2. Rhodium Nanopowder (Rh, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-16-6
3. Platinum Nanopowder (Pt, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-06-4
4. Ruthenium Nanopowder (Ru, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-18-8
5. Iridium Nanopowder (Ir, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7439-88-5
6. Gold Nanopowder (Au, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-57-5
7. Silver Nanoparticles 10% 7440-22-4
8. Graphene Nanoplatelets (95+%, thickness 2-8 nm, 3-6 layers) 10% 308068-56-6
9. Conductive Polymer 10% Not Applicable
10. Shungite 10% Not Applicable

After using it for a few weeks now I say it is good stuff.  I have treated starting from my circuit breakers to my speaker cables, interconnects and phono.  The background is blacker than ever.  Listening to CDs: I hear background noise in some CD tracks now.  At first, I thought I was hearing the S/N of the DAC but it is only on some CDs.  I hear studio echo in CD tracks- something that I used to only hear with vinyl.  My new DAC/Transport is a whole level higher in detail than my last CD player but now the detail is further enhanced with the GPS-1260.  Streaming is dead quiet as well but I can't see how to treat a USB cable.  I'm worried about shorting the pins with the stuff.  I still need to treat all of my tube pins but I just can't stop listening for now.
You know, the rheostats for automotive fuel level senders are made from a conductive ink silk screened onto a ceramic card.  This conductive ink is a paste made of Gold, Paladium and Platinum.  A tube of this paste 20 years ago cost about $5000 but it made several thousand sender cards.  Used to use a Silver paste but OBDII requirements killed that.  The ingredients in GPS-1260 are not cheap.
So only 10% of the formulation is graphene. The rest are rare earth mineral nanopowders.

Also 10% conductive polymer, which you would presume is Stabilant 22 or something similar, and interestingly 10% shungite.
Boxer, to tell you the truth, I haven’t tried NPS. I’ve been using Stabilant 22 for many years now. Do I hear a difference? Maybe, maybe not. Years ago I tried Mapleshades silver contact enhancer, I definitely heard a improvement, but I found every 6-months or so, Pierre suggested to clean & retreat all connections. I found that to be a lil more work, for what it was worth. Stabilant 22 is in my eyes is a one time application, unless I would have to break a connection & retreat my cables. I feel any contact cleaner/enhancer is worth a try, it just makes sense. Many Electricians I know, use Stabilant 22 on their panel installations. I use it from my Sub panel rite up to my tube pins!